KLG: Additional Awards & Recognition
Brad Kendall is rated the highest possible rating of 10 out of 10 on Avvo.com. Avvo.com rates all legal professionals based upon information in an individual’s profile and other publicly available information, such as client and peer reviews, a proven track record of ethical behavior, experience level and case results, allowing consumers to compare prospective attorneys and make an informed decision when selecting representation.
You can view Mr. Kendall’s Avvo profile HERE.
Brad was also named as one of the Best Litigation Attorneys in Kansas City for 2021 by Expertise.com. Expertise.com hand-picks the best legal professionals based upon availability, reputation, professionalism, qualifications and experience. Brad and the Kendall Law Group have a reputation for tackling difficult cases, requiring expertise, know-how and dedication such as catastrophic injuries, unique injuries and injuries where there are worsened, underlying pre-existing conditions.
You can view Expertise.com’s full list of Best Litigation Attorneys in Kansas City – 2021 HERE.
Our firm is honored by these designations and strives to continue providing top-rate legal representation to help seriously injured people and families put their lives back together.