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Auto Insurance Coverage Recommendations from a Catastrophic Injury Attorney

When it comes to auto insurance, being adequately covered can make all the difference, especially in the event of a catastrophic accident. Kendall Law Group LLC, a firm specializing in auto accident injury cases in Kansas and Missouri, often sees the devastating impacts of inadequate insurance coverage. To help you avoid potential financial ruin and ensure you receive the necessary medical care, we have outlined essential auto insurance coverage recommendations tailored to residents of Kansas and Missouri.

Understanding State Minimums

In both Kansas and Missouri, drivers must carry minimum levels of auto insurance. While these state minimums provide a basic level of protection, they often fall short in covering the full extent of damage incurred in catastrophic accidents.

Kansas Minimum Auto Insurance Requirements:

Coverage TypeKansasMissouri
Liability Coverage $25,000 $25,000
Per Person for Bodily Injury$25,000$25,000
Per Accident for Bodily Injury$50,000$50,000
Per Accident for Property Damage$25,000$25,000
Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Not Required
Per Person for Medical Expenses$4,500Not Required
Monthly for One Year for Disability/Loss of Income$900Not Required
Per Day for In-Home Services$25Not Required
For Funeral, Burial, or Cremation Expenses$2,000Not Required
For Rehabilitation Expenses$4,500Not Required
Uninsured Motorist (UM)  
Per Person$25,000$25,000
Per Accident$50,000$50,000
Underinsured Motorist (UIM)  
Per Person$25,000Not Required
Per Accident$50,000Not Required

While these minimums satisfy legal requirements, they may not provide sufficient coverage in the event of a severe accident. Let’s delve into the reasons why increasing your coverage beyond state minimums is crucial.

Bodily Injury Liability

Recommended Coverage: At least $100,000 per person / $300,000 per accident

Why: Catastrophic injuries often result in extensive medical bills, long-term rehabilitation, and lost wages. The state minimums may not cover these costs, leaving you personally liable for the remainder.

    Property Damage Liability

    Recommended Coverage: At least $100,000 per accident

    Why: With the increasing cost of vehicles and potential for significant property damage, higher coverage ensures you can cover damages without financial strain.

      Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

      Recommended Coverage: Increase as much as possible

      Why: PIP covers medical expenses, lost wages, and other related costs, providing crucial support regardless of who is at fault in an accident.

        Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM)

        Recommended Coverage: At least $100,000 per person / $300,000 per accident

        Why: Many drivers carry only the minimum required insurance, which may not cover all damages in a catastrophic accident. UM/UIM protects you if the at-fault driver lacks adequate insurance.

          Collision and Comprehensive Coverage

          Recommended Coverage: Varied, based on vehicle value and personal risk tolerance

          Why: Collision coverage pays for damages to your vehicle in an accident, while comprehensive covers non-collision incidents such as theft, fire, or natural disasters. These coverages are particularly important for newer or higher-value vehicles.

            Medical Payments Coverage (MedPay)

            Recommended Coverage: $5,000 or higher

            Why: MedPay provides additional medical coverage for you and your passengers, supplementing PIP and health insurance, and can be used regardless of fault.

              Gap Insurance

              Recommended Coverage: Optional, based on vehicle financing

              Why: If you owe more on your car loan than the car’s current value, gap insurance covers the difference, preventing financial loss in the event of a total loss accident.

                The Importance of UM/UIM Coverage

                Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM) coverage is particularly crucial. Despite legal requirements, many drivers on the road are either uninsured or underinsured. In a catastrophic accident, if the at-fault driver lacks sufficient insurance, you could face significant out-of-pocket expenses for medical treatment, rehabilitation, and other damages.

                Real-Life Scenario: Consider a situation where a driver with only the state minimum liability coverage causes an accident, resulting in severe injuries. The medical expenses and lost wages easily exceed the $25,000 per person bodily injury limit. Without adequate UM/UIM coverage, you would be responsible for the remaining costs, which could reach hundreds of thousands of dollars.

                Determining Your Current Coverage

                Understanding how much coverage you currently have on your auto insurance policy is a critical step in ensuring you are adequately protected. To determine your current coverage:

                • Review Your Insurance Policy: Obtain a copy of your insurance declaration page. This document outlines your coverage limits and the types of coverage you currently have.
                • Contact Your Insurance Agent: If you have any questions or need clarification about your coverage, reach out to your insurance agent. They can explain the details and help you understand any gaps in your protection.
                • Check Online Account: Many insurance companies offer online portals where you can log in and view your policy details, including coverage limits and premium amounts.
                • Assess Your Coverage Needs: Consider factors such as your financial assets, the value of your vehicle, and potential risks to determine if your current coverage meets your needs. Comparing your policy to recommended coverage levels can highlight areas where you may need to increase your protection.

                Maximizing Your Coverage

                Increasing your coverage limits provides a safety net that can protect you from financial devastation. Here are steps to maximize your auto insurance coverage:

                • Evaluate Your Assets and Risks Consider your financial assets, including home equity, savings, and future earning potential. Higher coverage limits protect these assets in the event of a lawsuit.
                • Consult with an Insurance Agent An experienced insurance agent can help assess your needs and recommend appropriate coverage levels based on your specific circumstances.
                • Review and Update Regularly Life changes such as purchasing a new vehicle, moving to a different area, or changes in your financial situation warrant a review of your insurance coverage. Ensure your policy remains adequate over time.
                • Consider Policy Bundles Bundling auto insurance with other policies such as homeowners’ or renters’ insurance can provide discounts, making higher coverage limits more affordable.

                Navigating insurance claims after a catastrophic accident can be complex and overwhelming. Understanding your policy and knowing your rights is crucial. Insurance companies may not always have your best interests in mind, making it vital to:

                • Document Everything Keep detailed records of the accident, including police reports, medical records, and communication with insurance companies.
                • Seek Legal Counsel Consult with an attorney experienced in catastrophic injury cases to ensure you receive fair compensation. An attorney can negotiate with insurance companies and, if necessary, pursue legal action on your behalf.
                • Understand Your Policy Familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of your auto insurance policy, including coverage limits, exclusions, and the claims process.

                Kanas City Auto Accident Injury Trial Lawyers

                Adequate auto insurance coverage is essential in protecting yourself and your family from the financial burden of catastrophic accidents. While state minimums provide a basic level of protection, increasing your coverage limits and understanding the importance of UM/UIM coverage can offer peace of mind and financial security. By evaluating your needs, consulting with an insurance agent, and seeking legal counsel, when necessary, you can ensure comprehensive protection on the road.

                If you or your loved one has been seriously injured by a negligent driver in Kansas City, Kendall Law Group is here to help you put your life back together. Call us at (816) 531-3100 for a free consultation or contact us HERE

                Additional Resources

                The Importance of GAP Insurance in the Event of a Collision: A Guide for Kansas City Drivers

                Navigating Medical Payment Coverage (MedPay) in Kansas and Missouri

                Kansas Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage Explained

                What To Do After an Auto Accident

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