Auto Accident Neck Injuries – What You Need to Know

Auto Accident Neck Injuries - What You Need to Know

As skilled Kansas City auto accident injury trial lawyers, we see a multitude of serious injuries caused by negligent drivers. Some of the most common injuries we see involve the neck or cervical spine. These injuries can range from whiplash to cervical fractures. Injuries to the cervical spine can be debilitating and cause permanent disabilities. If you have suffered a neck injury caused by a negligent driver, it’s important to seek legal counsel as soon as possible to ensure you are awarded the compensation you deserve.

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Kansas Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage Explained

Understanding Kansas Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage

In Kansas, carrying Personal Injury Protection (PIP) as part of your auto insurance policy isn’t just a suggestion; it’s mandatory according to Kansas Statute 40-3107. But do you truly understand what it entails and why it’s crucial? Let’s dive into the specifics, unraveling what PIP is, its importance, how to use it, the intricacies of subrogation in relation to third-party liability, and whom exactly it covers.

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