Back-to-School Safety: A Kansas City Personal Injury Lawyer’s Guide

School zone sign with 15 MPH speed limit for back-to-school safety in Kansas City

School started yesterday for most Kansas City students, bringing with it the excitement of a new academic season. As families settle into their routines, it’s important to keep safety top of mind—especially as the back-to-school period is one of increased risk, particularly on the roads and around school zones. Whether your child is walking, biking,…

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Distracted Driving Accidents in Kansas: Understanding the Risks and Laws for Safer Roads

Kansas Distracted Driving Accident

In the landscape of road safety, few issues are as pressing and perilous as distracted driving, especially in Kansas. This insidious habit not only endangers the lives of drivers and passengers but also challenges the very fabric of responsible driving culture. As personal injury attorneys deeply committed to the safety and well-being of our community, we feel it’s imperative to address this growing concern head-on. In this blog, we aim to cast a spotlight on the dangers of distracted driving, unpack the specifics of Kansas’s distracted driving laws, demystify the various forms of distractions that drivers face, and provide practical, lifesaving tips to avoid these dangers. Our goal is not just to inform but to empower and advocate for safer roads in Kansas.

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Safer Roads Ahead: Missouri Passes Siddens Bening Hands Free Law

Missouri Passes Siddens Bening Hands Free Law

Recently passed Missouri Senate Bill 398, the Siddens Bening Hands Free Law states that “…no operator shall: Physically hold or support, with any part of his or her body, an electronic communication device…” This new law specifically prohibits drivers from engaging in the following actions while their vehicle is in motion:

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The Deadly Consequences of Speeding: Stay Safe and Slow Down!

Police in rearview mirror making a traffic stop for speeding.

To some, speeding may be a seemingly innocent act of pushing the boundaries, but disregarding speed limits can be deadly, not only for the speeder but also for others on the roadway. An alarming number of accidents, injuries and fatalities tie back to this single behavior, creating a ripple effect of heartache, loss and economic implications. As auto accident injury lawyers, we often witness the aftermath of speeding and we feel compelled to bring awareness to its potentially dire consequences.

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How the Use of Cell Phones Has Changed Driving

The idea that using a cell phone while driving is unsafe is no longer debatable. A study published almost 25 years ago in The New England Journal of Medicine titled Association Between Cellular Telephone Calls and Motor Vehicle Collisions found that the use of cellular telephones in motor vehicles was associated with a quadrupling of…

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Hang Up Or Pay Up

Truck driver using cell phone while driving

As we discussed in our previous blog, Missouri semi wrecks are on the rise. Due to their foreboding size and weight, semi trucks and tractor trailers can cause severe injuries and death. In May of 2012, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) made it illegal for commercial drivers to operate hand-held mobile devices while operating a vehicle.

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What is Distracted Driving and How Can We Prevent it?

distracted driver on cell phone

I remember it like it was yesterday. Three years ago I was headed back to my office after meeting with a new client. It was a beautiful fall day and the leaves on the trees were at their most glorious.

I was stopped at the intersection of 63rd Street and Ward Parkway Boulevard. Two cars were ahead of mine and our light was red. After a few moments, the light turned green and the cars ahead of me moved forward. I followed behind them and started to cross over the first two southbound lanes of Ward Parkway. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a blur. It was a fast-moving SUV and at that instant I knew it was going to slam into the side of my car. I instinctively hit the gas pedal and prepared for the impact.

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