Auto Insurance Coverage Recommendations from a Catastrophic Injury Attorney

Auto insurance, attorney, car accident, insurance claims, legal advice, financial protection, insurance coverage, accident prevention, legal representation

When it comes to auto insurance, being adequately covered can make all the difference, especially in the event of a catastrophic accident. Kendall Law Group LLC, a firm specializing in auto accident injury cases in Kansas and Missouri, often sees the devastating impacts of inadequate insurance coverage. To help you avoid potential financial ruin and…

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Kansas Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage Explained

Understanding Kansas Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage

In Kansas, carrying Personal Injury Protection (PIP) as part of your auto insurance policy isn’t just a suggestion; it’s mandatory according to Kansas Statute 40-3107. But do you truly understand what it entails and why it’s crucial? Let’s dive into the specifics, unraveling what PIP is, its importance, how to use it, the intricacies of subrogation in relation to third-party liability, and whom exactly it covers.

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