Safer Roads Ahead: Missouri Passes Siddens Bening Hands Free Law

Driver holding a phone displaying a message about Missouri's new hands-free law, emphasizing the importance of putting the phone down while driving

At Kendall Law Group, we take road safety seriously and are dedicated to keeping all Kansas Citians safe on our roadways and streets. That’s why we want to share important information about the recent changes happening in Missouri that directly affect you. Starting August 28, 2023, it will be illegal to operate a motor vehicle…

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How the Use of Cell Phones Has Changed Driving

A distracted driver holding a smartphone while operating a vehicle, illustrating the dangers of texting while driving.

Over the past few decades, cell phones have become an integral part of our lives, transforming how we communicate and navigate daily tasks. However, with this evolution, cell phone use has introduced significant safety concerns, especially when it comes to driving. What started as a tool for emergencies has now become one of the leading…

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