Attorney Blog

Dangers of Street Racing

Staying Safe in Kansas City: Addressing the Dangers of Street Racing and Unlawful Vehicle Use

By Kendall Law Group LLC / May 13, 2024 / Comments Off on Staying Safe in Kansas City: Addressing the Dangers of Street Racing and Unlawful Vehicle Use

Last weekend marked the initiation of the Kansas City Missouri Police Department’s (KCPD) “Entertainment District Plan”. This proactive safety measure deploys over a dozen officers and specialized units on Friday and Saturday nights. Their mission is to bolster safety and tackle pressing traffic issues such as street racing, slideshows, and the illegal operation of off-road…

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Kansas City Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

Missouri’s Record Motorcycle Fatalities in 2023: A Call for Enhanced Safety Measures

By Kendall Law Group LLC / April 30, 2024 / Comments Off on Missouri’s Record Motorcycle Fatalities in 2023: A Call for Enhanced Safety Measures

Motorcycles bring a thrill and a sense of freedom, yet they carry significant risks. Motorcyclists face a much higher risk of fatal accident injuries than those traveling in passenger vehicles because motorcycles are less stable and less visible and when they crash, motorcyclists lack the protection of an enclosed vehicle. Despite these inherent risks, only…

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Auto Accident Neck Injuries - What You Need to Know

Auto Accident Neck Injuries – What You Need to Know

By Kendall Law Group LLC / April 18, 2024 / Comments Off on Auto Accident Neck Injuries – What You Need to Know

As skilled Kansas City auto accident injury trial lawyers, we see a multitude of serious injuries caused by negligent drivers. Some of the most common injuries we see involve the neck or cervical spine. These injuries can range from whiplash to cervical fractures. Injuries to the cervical spine can be debilitating and cause permanent disabilities. If you have suffered a neck injury caused by a negligent driver, it’s important to seek legal counsel as soon as possible to ensure you are awarded the compensation you deserve.

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Kansas City Rideshare Accident Injury Attorneys

Understanding Kansas City Rideshare Injury Claims

By Kendall Law Group LLC / April 1, 2024 / Comments Off on Understanding Kansas City Rideshare Injury Claims

In the bustling streets of Kansas City, the convenience of rideshare and food delivery services is undeniable. However, this modern-day luxury comes with its share of risks. Discover the dangers associated with these services, understand the intricacies of insurance coverage, and learn the essential steps to take if you or someone close to you suffers an injury due to a negligent rideshare or food delivery service driver. Gain the knowledge to navigate the aftermath with confidence and safeguard your rights.

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Springtime Safety Tips from Kendall Law Group LLC

Spring Safety Awareness: Navigating Seasonal Hazards with Kendall Law Group LLC

By Kendall Law Group LLC / March 19, 2024 / Comments Off on Spring Safety Awareness: Navigating Seasonal Hazards with Kendall Law Group LLC

As spring arrives, bringing new life and warmer weather, it also introduces a variety of potential hazards. Kendall Law Group LLC’s guide to spring safety awareness covers critical tips for vehicle safety, including avoiding hydroplaning on wet roads and ensuring visibility. It also addresses the increased risks for pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, and those near uncontrolled rural railroad crossings. Plus, discover how to enjoy outdoor activities safely and what steps to take if a spring-related accident occurs.

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Car Accident TBI Attorneys Near Me

Navigating Injury Claims After a Car Accident TBI in Kansas City

By Kendall Law Group LLC / March 18, 2024 / Comments Off on Navigating Injury Claims After a Car Accident TBI in Kansas City

Suffering a traumatic brain injury (TBI) because of a car accident can be a life-altering event. The road to recovery often involves not only medical treatments but also legal battles to secure the compensation necessary for your healing journey. This comprehensive guide aims to help you navigate the legal process after a TBI car accident in Kansas City, ensuring you are well-informed and prepared to take the necessary steps toward your recovery and legal redress.

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The Importance of Sleep and Specialized Care Post Kansas City Auto Accident

By Kendall Law Group LLC / March 12, 2024 / Comments Off on The Importance of Sleep and Specialized Care Post Kansas City Auto Accident

When a Kansas City auto accident leads to serious injuries, such as a concussion or traumatic brain injury (TBI), the road to recovery can be challenging and multifaceted. An often overlooked yet critical factor in this journey is the role of sleep and the importance of seeking specialized care.

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The Deepening Health Crisis: More Cancers and Parkinson’s Linked to Tainted Water at Camp Lejeune, NC

By Kendall Law Group LLC / March 11, 2024 / Comments Off on The Deepening Health Crisis: More Cancers and Parkinson’s Linked to Tainted Water at Camp Lejeune, NC

As Camp Lejeune Lawyers in Kansas City, we at Kendall Law Group LLC are deeply committed to addressing the emerging health crisis linked to the water contamination at Camp Lejeune. Our understanding of the profound impact this has had on veterans and their families guides our approach to legal advocacy. The recent findings connecting the base’s contaminated water to a higher incidence of cancers and Parkinson’s Disease underscore the urgency of this issue. We stand ready to support those affected in their quest for justice and fair compensation, recognizing the importance of their stories and the need for legal resolution.

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Kansas City Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect Attorneys

Navigating Long-Term Care in Kansas City

By Kendall Law Group LLC / February 16, 2024 / Comments Off on Navigating Long-Term Care in Kansas City

Navigating the path of caring for aging parents or loved ones often leads to critical decisions, particularly when they can no longer live independently. Selecting a long-term care facility is a critical and sensitive choice, laden with concerns about ensuring their safety and well-being. In Kansas City, where numerous options are available, finding the right care for your loved one demands careful consideration and informed guidance.

At Kendall Law Group, we recognize the emotional and practical challenges of this decision. As seasoned Kansas City Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse Attorneys, our role extends beyond legal advocacy. We are committed to assisting you in this important process, offering guidance to ensure you make thoughtful, compassionate choices for the care of your loved one. Allow us to help guide you toward securing a safe and caring environment for those who mean the most to you.

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Kansas Distracted Driving Accident

Distracted Driving Accidents in Kansas: Understanding the Risks and Laws for Safer Roads

By Kendall Law Group LLC / February 1, 2024 / Comments Off on Distracted Driving Accidents in Kansas: Understanding the Risks and Laws for Safer Roads

In the landscape of road safety, few issues are as pressing and perilous as distracted driving, especially in Kansas. This insidious habit not only endangers the lives of drivers and passengers but also challenges the very fabric of responsible driving culture. As personal injury attorneys deeply committed to the safety and well-being of our community, we feel it’s imperative to address this growing concern head-on. In this blog, we aim to cast a spotlight on the dangers of distracted driving, unpack the specifics of Kansas’s distracted driving laws, demystify the various forms of distractions that drivers face, and provide practical, lifesaving tips to avoid these dangers. Our goal is not just to inform but to empower and advocate for safer roads in Kansas.

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