Safer Roads Ahead: Missouri Passes Siddens Bening Hands Free Law

Missouri Passes Siddens Bening Hands Free Law

Recently passed Missouri Senate Bill 398, the Siddens Bening Hands Free Law states that “…no operator shall: Physically hold or support, with any part of his or her body, an electronic communication device…” This new law specifically prohibits drivers from engaging in the following actions while their vehicle is in motion:

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The Deadly Consequences of Speeding: Stay Safe and Slow Down!

Police in rearview mirror making a traffic stop for speeding.

To some, speeding may be a seemingly innocent act of pushing the boundaries, but disregarding speed limits can be deadly, not only for the speeder but also for others on the roadway. An alarming number of accidents, injuries and fatalities tie back to this single behavior, creating a ripple effect of heartache, loss and economic implications. As auto accident injury lawyers, we often witness the aftermath of speeding and we feel compelled to bring awareness to its potentially dire consequences.

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Navigating Medical Payment Coverage (MedPay) in Kansas and Missouri

Navigating Medical Payment Coverage (MedPay) in Kansas and Missouri

Navigating the world of auto insurance can be a confusing endeavor for many. Among various terms and clauses, Medical Payments Coverage (MedPay) often leaves policyholders with questions. Our goal today is to clear the air around MedPay in Kansas and Missouri – helping you understand its essence, its significance, and its range of applications.

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Kansas Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage Explained

Understanding Kansas Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage

In Kansas, carrying Personal Injury Protection (PIP) as part of your auto insurance policy isn’t just a suggestion; it’s mandatory according to Kansas Statute 40-3107. But do you truly understand what it entails and why it’s crucial? Let’s dive into the specifics, unraveling what PIP is, its importance, how to use it, the intricacies of subrogation in relation to third-party liability, and whom exactly it covers.

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Summer Road Trip Safety

Summer Road Trip Safety

Summer has come to Kansas City! As the chill of winter recedes and schools close for the break, it’s time to plan that long-awaited family vacation. At Kendall Law Group LLC, we believe in enjoying life to the fullest, but never at the cost of your family’s safety. As the leading Auto Accident Attorneys in Kansas City, we present our top tips for a safe and memorable summer trip.

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Auto Accident Delayed Injury Onset: Why You Should Never Ignore Symptoms

Medical professionals analyzing brain injury data on a tablet after an auto accident, highlighting the importance of timely evaluation for delayed injury onset

Car accidents happen in the blink of an eye but can leave lasting impacts on your health and well-being. While some injuries are immediately apparent, others may not show symptoms until hours, days, or even weeks after the incident. Understanding the potential for delayed injury onset and the importance of seeking prompt medical attention is…

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Who’s At Fault (And Why It Matters)


After an automobile collision, liability and fault are directly linked to your potential for recovery, or your chance of recovering monies for your injuries, pain and suffering, out-of-pocket expenses and lost wages. For a party to be held liable, they must be found at fault to some degree. To determine fault, juries and insurance companies…

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How the Use of Cell Phones Has Changed Driving

The idea that using a cell phone while driving is unsafe is no longer debatable. A study published almost 25 years ago in The New England Journal of Medicine titled Association Between Cellular Telephone Calls and Motor Vehicle Collisions found that the use of cellular telephones in motor vehicles was associated with a quadrupling of…

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