Attorney Blog

side of semi truck driving on road

Insurance Coverage For Trucking Accidents is Too Low

By Kendall Law Group LLC / July 30, 2020 / Comments Off on Insurance Coverage For Trucking Accidents is Too Low

We are regularly contacted by people who have been involved in motor vehicle crashes with semi trucks in the Kansas City area. The commercial trucking industry is one we are very familiar with and we have handled these types of cases many times over the years. This is an area of the law in which our lawyers have extensive knowledge and experience.

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nursing home resident in a wheelchair looking out a window

Missouri Nursing Homes are Among the Worst in the U.S.

By Kendall Law Group LLC / July 30, 2020 / Comments Off on Missouri Nursing Homes are Among the Worst in the U.S.

Government records show Missouri has some of the worst nursing homes in the country. During the past 3 years, the deaths of at least 28 nursing home residents in Missouri were caused by carelessness or neglect. Those deaths were caused by medication errors, bedsores and staff not being properly trained in CPR, among other causes. All of those deaths were preventable.

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distracted driver on cell phone

What is Distracted Driving and How Can We Prevent it?

By Kendall Law Group LLC / July 30, 2020 / Comments Off on What is Distracted Driving and How Can We Prevent it?

I remember it like it was yesterday. Three years ago I was headed back to my office after meeting with a new client. It was a beautiful fall day and the leaves on the trees were at their most glorious.

I was stopped at the intersection of 63rd Street and Ward Parkway Boulevard. Two cars were ahead of mine and our light was red. After a few moments, the light turned green and the cars ahead of me moved forward. I followed behind them and started to cross over the first two southbound lanes of Ward Parkway. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a blur. It was a fast-moving SUV and at that instant I knew it was going to slam into the side of my car. I instinctively hit the gas pedal and prepared for the impact.

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Tort Law book with a gavel on a table

The Great Tort Reform Myth

By Kendall Law Group LLC / June 5, 2018 / Comments Off on The Great Tort Reform Myth

“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” – Verbal in The Usual Suspects. The second greatest trick may be the insurance industry’s success in getting more than half the states to implement “tort reform.” That achievement was based on the promise that restricting victims’ ability to bring medical malpractice suits would improve healthcare and reduce its cost. Those myths have now been completely dispelled.”

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